My goal in teaching is to promote positive change in student learning and career development. My teaching experiences include different levels of (quantitative) research methods courses as an instructor, guest lecturer, and teaching assistant.
Teaching Experience
Study Design and Analysis for Causal Inference, University of Georgia, Spring 2025
Methods of Research in Education, University of Georgia, Fall 2023 & 2024
Evaluation of Educational Products and Systems, University of Florida, Spring 2022
Multivariate Analysis in Educational Research, University of Florida, Fall 2020
Guest Lecturer
Special Topic: Multilevel Randomized Trials, University of Florida, Fall 2021
Quasi-Experimental Design and Analysis in Educational Research, University of Florida, Spring 2020
Structural Equation Modeling, University of Cincinnati, Spring 2015
Teaching Assistant
Statistical Data Analysis I, University of Cincinnati, Fall 2016 & Spring 2017
Statistical Data Analysis II, University of Cincinnati, Fall 2016 & Spring 2017
Multilevel Models, University of Cincinnati, Spring 2014 & 2016
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research for Causal Inference, University of Cincinnati, Fall 2013
Teaching Statement
Passionate interest in teaching and sharing enthusiasm toward student learning are the common characteristics of excellent teaching[1]. Quantitative methods are exciting areas transforming education and psychology. In my teaching and mentoring, I strive to convey my passion for inspiring others and encouraging and supporting those around me to pursue their professional lives.
As a Chinese scholar, I am sensitive to diversity issues in the classroom. I strive to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment by facilitating discussions, motivating students, building positive relationships with students, and promoting group-based learning[2]. Because of my background, I am familiar with the challenges faced by students of color and am committed to mentoring them for successful college life. My courses usually include lectures, quizzes, group discussions, in-class small projects, software implementation, homework assignments, and term projects. Through diverse activities and the encouragement I frequently offer, each student could interact with software programs, peers, and a broad array of (both applied and methodological) literature.
[1] Lang, J. M. (2016). Small teaching: Everyday lessons from the science of learning. John Wiley & Sons.
[2] Svinicki, M. D., & McKeachie, W. (2014). McKeachie’s Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers (14th Ed.). Cengage Learning.